Kaua'i Bellydance
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Kaua'i Bellydance
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Bellydance with Veil by Shakti

When used in stillness, an open veil makes your wings of love explicit. A closed one is for flirtation, play, and expressions of sorrow. When used in wind, it binds you to the element of air. It's a wild animal. Treat it as you would a lover.
bellydancer with veil: Shakti bellydancer with veil: Shakti bellydancer with veil: Shakti bellydancer with veil: Shakti
bellydancer with veil: Shakti bellydancer with veil: Shakti bellydancer with veil: Shakti
Cinnamon Phoenix offers Mideastern and Sacred Dance classes in Kaua'i, Hawai'i
For more information, please contact us at: shakti.dance@gmail.com
(808) 635-0688